資質能力向上のための機会に関する教師の意識 : 韓国と日本の比較

概要 In Korea, the point system of in-service training and studying has been introduced to enhance teachers' qualities and competences since the pronouncement of "The Proposition of Educational Reform in 1...995 and it has been practiced since March 1998. It is putting points to studying which teachers have practiced, training inthe teacher's in-service training institutions, credits taken in diploma and graduate courses in universities, teachers' study activities and certifications, by certain criteria and linking their salary and promotion. In Japan, similarly, "Report Improving Teachers' Quality and Competence" by the Central Council of Education in June 1978 and "Circular of the Teachers Employment and Teacher In-service Training" by Ministry of Education in May 1982, proposed to systematize the in-service training by administration. The systematic arrangement of in-service training by the appropriate time, content and method according to teachers' age and their experience, and expansion of opportunity for in-service training in graduate courses in universities have beenput into practice. Thus, the policies have been promoted to improve teachers' qualities and competences in both Korea and Japan. And the opportunities for teacher training have increased. According to survey in 1995, the rate of participation in the in-service training by administration was 82.4% among Japanese teachers and 36.8% among Korean teachers. And the rate of implementation in the school-based training was 91.4% among Japanese schools and 60.3% among Koreanschools. And, there were teacher participating in teacher studying and training at any other educational bodies, research groups, and undergraduate courses in universities. But, did the increase of participation bring about the improvement of teacher's qualities and competences? The elements of teacher's qualities and competences are diverse and chances to improve them are also diverse. And it is necessary to clarify the relationship between elements of teacher's qualities and competences and the chances to improve them. This paper aims to clarify the relationship is which are effective, and at the sametime aims to find similarities and differences between Korea and Japan. Basing on questionnaire surveys for junior-high-school teachers in Korea and Japan in September and October 1998, the author analyzed, 1)confidence of elements of teacher's qualities and competences? 2)the most effective chance in acquiring their qualities and competences? 3)the most effective chance to make them confidence. That following is results to: First, the elements "with confidence" in both countries are "Full professional knowledge of subject contents", "To express and communicate the learning contents exactly", "Theobjective evaluation to students", "The mission feeling as a teacher", "To sympathize with students and to learn from students", "The educational love to students", and "The lenient to the failure of students". The elements "lacking in confidence" are "To analyze or study the lessons", "To have acquire the competences as counselor", "To teach the playing of students", "To plan the school-based training or study-planning", "The cooperation and coordinationwith P. T. A. or other bodies", "The direction and advice to the other teachers", "To add a new idea to school Job-specification in proportion to necessity", "The management on staff meeting or councils and so on.続きを見る


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登録日 2009.09.15
更新日 2021.03.03
