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The author attempted interactive distance education for a freshman English course at Kyushu University (fall semester ofthe acaderr}ic year 2000) in cooperation with Hokkaido University students and i...nstructors. 16 Kyushu University students had commumcation in English with Hokkaido University participants with the help of 3d-ies (3-dimensienal interactive education system). 3d-ies is new 3D communication computer software with which paticipants enter a 3D cyberspace under the disguise of an alter ego cailed an "avatar" and enjoy online text-based chat with each ether. This system enables the pardcipaitts te have a chat as if they were standing close to one another, eliminating the distance between them. 3d-ies is the central feature of two research programs: a 3-year reseaych program of the Faculty of Languages and Cultures (Kyushu University) (1999-2001) and a collaborative study of distance education of languages (2000) that covers several national universities. Furthermore, these universities and the National Institute of Multimedia Education have agreed to carry out a preparatory research (2001) on a possible plan of Cyber University (a distance education system of which 3d-ies is a necessary constituent). The present article shows how highly my students evaluate the 3d-ies English course and tries to offer possible solutions to the problems that arise in 3D interactive distance English education, based on careful examinatien of the result of the questionnaire they answered.続きを見る