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概要 |
The purpose of the present study is to find the materials for the setting of the theme that draws out the important element “nostalgia” in a reminiscence therapy to investigate Proust phenomenon exper...ience and a similar experience. Subjects were 240 college students. Subjects were fulfilled to the questionnaire about the memory of nostalgia. The results were the followings. It was no difference in the feelings according to the memory recollected by stimulation of sense of smell, sight, and aural, and in the degree of nostalgia by the difference of sensory modalities. But it was the difference was seen by the difference of the feelings experience to the memory. When the nonverbal stimulation is used in a reminiscence therapy with paying attention to the quality of the recollection memory, and to set the theme that utilizes the feature of each stimulation, because it was suggested that there be a qualitative difference in the content of the recollection memory by the difference of sensory modalities.続きを見る