Laboratory of Horticultural Science, Division Agricultural Botany, Department of Plant Resources, Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University
Laboratory of Horticultural Science, Division Agricultural Botany, Department of Plant Resources, Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University
Laboratory of Horticultural Science, Division of Agricuitural Botany, Department of Plant Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
Laboratory of Horticultural Science, Division of Agricuitural Botany, Department of Plant Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
Drought tolerance was determined in 45 species/cultivars of 29 genera of seven families of geophytes. Salt water irrigation at concentrations of 0, 500, 1000, 5,000 mgl^<-1> was used. Fourteen species/cultivars with no salt treatment (control) either did not flower or flowered at very low rates. This was probably because no fiowers were initiated or flower buds aborted at high temperatures of greenhouse. The remaining 29 species/cultivars were classified into eight categories using three fiowering characteristics (flowering rate, plant height and days to flower) to the salt treatments. Flower characteristics were not affected in Muscari armeniacum with 5,000 mgl^<-1> salt treatment. Thus it was the most drought tolerant among the geophytes examined. In other geophytes, at least one characteristic was more or less affeeted by the treatment. Generally, spring-flowering geophytes tended to be more tolerant than summer-flowering geophytes. However, there were no clear relationships between families, classified categories and the types of storage organs (bulbs, corms, etc.). Salt (drought) tolerance in geophytes appears to be species/cultiver-specific.