本研究では,定型発達児をきょうだいに有する場合と,障がい児をきょうだいに有する場合に, きょうだい関係がもたらす影響に差があるのかを検討することを目的とし,定型発達のきょうだい(以下ST (Siblings with Typical development)) をもつ対象者(以下IST (Individuals who have a Sibling with Typical development)) と,障がいを有するきょうだい(以下SD (Siblings with Disabilities)) をもつ対象者(以下ISD (Individuals who have a Sibling with Disabilities)) に半構造化面接を実施した。その結果① IST はきょうだい関係について考える際, 自分とSTの二者間で完結しやすいのに対し, ISD は他者を含めた環境の中できょうだい関係を認識していること,② ISD は, SDとの関係から,自身の生活や考え方,対人関係に対するポジティブ・ネガティブ両側面の影響を受け得ること,③親や周囲がISD のきょうだいとしての役割意識に理解を示し,役割を請け負いすぎないようサポートすることで, ISD がきょうだい関係から自然と担ってしまいがちな取得役割の負担を軽減したり, 自分自身の生活や人生を楽しもうとする姿勢が生まれやすくなったりすることが示唆された。
This study aimed to analyze the differences between the influence of a relationship with a sibling with a disability (hereafter referred to as "SD") and that of a relationship with a sibling with typical development (hereafter referred to as "ST"). Accordingly, the author interviewed individual shaving a sibling with a disability (hereafter referred to as "ISD") and those having a sibling with typical development (hereafter referred to as "IST"). The results suggested the following three points. First, when 1ST think about their relationship, they often imagine only themselves and ST, whereas ISD often imagine not only themselves and SD but also others who are related to them. Second, ISD often experience positive and negative effects of having an SD on their lives, ways of thinking, and personal relationships. Third, if the parents or adults in the surrounding support ISD to not play the role of a "sibling of a person who has a disability" too much and try to understand them, it can reduce psychological conflicts of ISD and allow them to try to enjoy their life without being influenced by the sibling relationship.