Inimicus japonicus (Cuvier et Valenciennes) is a common scorpaenid fish with poisonous spines of southern Japan. The spawning season seems to extend from late June to middle of July in the vicinity of Fukuoka City, Kyushu. The authors carried out artificial insemination of this fish on July 6, 1954, at Shikanoshima near Fukuoka City, and reared the hatched larvae for about 4.5 days in a glass jar. The egg is buoyant, colorless and spherical in shape, measuring 1.31~1.43 mm. in diameter, with no oil-globule. The fundamental process of development is much the same with the ordinary teleostean(Fig. A-L). Hatching took place in about 41 hours at the water temperature 20~24℃. The newly hatched larva (Fig. M) is 3.18~3.27 mm. in total length with the myotomes 11/17~18=28~29. The yolk is oval, measuring 1.32~1.41 mm. in long axis. The rudiment of pectoral fin already appeared. Melanophores and numerous xanthophores are distributed on the body and the yolk surface as well as on the larval fin. The larva one day old (Fig.N) has large round pectoral fins, on which three big black blotches appeared. 2 big black blotches of similar size appeared on the ventral side of tail. The large round pectral fin and these black clotches may be taken as the charactaristics of this larva. In 2 days after hatching (Fig. O) the mouth opened and the eyes became black. In 3 days (Fig.P), the larva absorbed almost all the yolk.
オニオコゼは背鰭と腹鰭とに毒棘を有するカサゴ科 Scorpaenidae の魚で,沿岸の砂泥底に生息し,本州中部以南及び朝鮮南部海岸に分布する.カサゴ科魚類の産卵習性には二つの型が見られる.一つは受精が♀魚の卵巣内で行われ,卵発生も卵巣内で進行するが,他は卵が体外に放出されて海水中で受精する.前者に属するものにはメバル類 Sebastodes, ソイ類 Sebastichthys, etc が知られ,後者にはオニカサゴ類 Scopaenopsis, ミノカサゴ Pterois lunulata Temminck et Schlegel, ハオコゼ Hypodytes rubripinnis(Temminck et Schlegel)などがある.筆者らは1954年夏,福岡市郊外,福岡県糟屋郡志賀島町に於いて,オニオコゼ Inimicus japonicus(Cuvier et Valenciennes)の人工授精を行つて本魚の産卵形式は体外受精型に属することを明らかにし,孵化後約5日間飼育観察したので,卵ない発生経過及び仔魚前期について報告する.