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地位が針葉樹同齢単純林の上層木平均樹高(H)―本数密度(N)―林分平均直径(D)関係に及ぼす影響こついて解析した.資料として,大分県および熊本県内のスギ挿木(226林分),スギ実生(99林分),ヒノキ(98林分)同齢単純林の収穫調査データ(林齢はいずれも15~70年生)を用いた。相対幹距(Sr)階,地位級別にHと形状比との関係を散布図を用いて調べたところ,Sr階が小さいほど形状比が高く,地位級が低...いほど形状比は低くなった.Dを従属変数,H,Sr,地位指数(SI)の3つを独立変数とし,ステップワイズ法による重回帰分析を行った結果,いずれの独立変数も0.1%水準で有意となった.重回帰式の独立変数の係数より,HおよぴSrが高いほど,また,SIが低いほど,Dは大きくなる. This paper describes the effects of site quality on the relationships between mean top height (H), stocking (N) and stand mean diameter at breast height (D) for even-aged coniferous plantations. Data from Oita and Kumamoto prefectures for Cryptomeria japonica D. Don (Cj) stands oriented from cutting (226 stands), Cj stands oriented from seedlings (99 stands) and Chamaecyparis obtusa S, et Z. stands (98 stands) varying from 15- to 70-years-old, was analyzed in the study. From the analysis of the relationship between dimension quotient (the ratio of stand mean height to D) and site quality class based on relative spacing (Sr: an index of stand density) class, it was observed for all stand groups that dimension quotient decreases as Sr class increases and site quality class declines. A regression model for D with H, Sr and site index (SI) of independent variable was significant at a 0.1% level, using stepwise regression technique, for each stand group. The coefficients of the regression model indicated that D increases with a increase in H and Sr, and with a decline in SI for three stand groups.続きを見る