概要 |
What sort of cultural and social character has Japanese sport? A number of sociological studies have tried to such a total question, using various concepts such as dependency, groupism, vertical struc...ture, spiritualism, success orientation and others. However, with the exception of a few studies, they have the trends of subjective and intuitional thinking and they have not used quantitative methods. This paper attempts to make clear the methodological fallacies of theories on Japanese sports, and to propose some perspectives on that, especially focusing on a comparative and quantitative study. Through this analysis, the followings are made clear. (1) As theoretical and methodological problems, we can suggest episodical explanations which seek empirical generalization through the individual and fragmentary facts, pledging Japanese expressions, and their conceptual vagueness, the comparison of the ideal in the West and the real in Japan, the centralization of Western countries and North America, and the lack of comparative and historical perspectives. (2) As ideological and subjective problems, we can suggest that some values, such as humanism, liberalism and individualism, have been given ascendancy implicitly and arbitarily over traditional norms and values in Japan. Similarly, while Western sports, or play in Huizinga and Caillois theories have been idealized, Japanese sports have been regarded as special, vulgar and questionable sports, because they were removed and different from Western sports. In other words, it was normative comparison between advanced Western countries and behindhand Japan, not relative comparison between the specials and the specials. (3) We should pursue objective and general explanations on the character of Japanese sports which get rid of subjective and intuitional descriptions, elucidating the comparative points of views, and composing common criteria and measures on the bases of empilical data. (Journal of Health Science, Kyushu University, 10: 91-101, 1988)続きを見る