Department of Bioproduction Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University
本研究では, 営農者および新規農業参入者が容易に利用できる気象環境情報収集・提供システムの構築を行った. 今回開発した計測装置を用いて, JA 粕屋管内の 2 圃場においてモニタリング試験を行った. さらに, 計測したデータは, インターネットを介して圃場環境情報データベースに保存・蓄積すると同時に, 同地域の営農者を対象に Web ブラウザと Google Maps API を用いた簡易閲覧ツールにより配信・提供できるようにした. 一方, 計測した 2 地点の日平均気温データは, 博多と宗像で常時計測・提供される AMeDAS データに比べて, 1 ℃~数℃の差異が認められ, モニタリング装置の設置は営農にとって有効であることがわかった. また, 日射量についても太陽光パネルを利用したため, 多少の誤差は確認されたものの, 年間を通した日照時間の簡易計測法としては十分な精度を有しているものと判断された.
The field weather monitoring system for supporting agricultural production and management was developed by using measuring units such as sensors, a built-in web servers and a wireless LAN device and self-programmed agent system. All the measured data were collected trough the internet and stored into the field weather and environment information database periodically. The data were supplied directly by the web based weather data offering system using the Google Maps API to the farmers in Kasuya area, Fukuoka, Japan. This web based system was developed by the open software such as apache (web server), PHP, JSP, Java Servlet, and so on. On the other hand, the average temperature in Kasuya and Koga measured by the monitoring system mentioned above differed by several degrees from the AMeDAS data in Hakata and Munakata public monitoring sites. It was suggested that the field weather monitoring system developed was effective in optimizations of agricultural production and management systems. Moreover the variation of local isolation intensity was measured using the solar panel. The data would be used for the simple method for estimating the sunshine time while it was confirmed that the measured data have an error slightly from the AMeDAS data.