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This study investigated the difficulty of role-taking at children's tag game. Subjects were children at 3-,4-,5-year-olds. And the task given to them were 1) rule understanding task 2) tag game with d...oll composed of 1 experimenter and 1 child as a scene of not activating the emotion 3) real tag game composed of 1 experimenter and 2 children as a scene of activating the emotion. Their behaviors were evaluated : ①chase ②run off ③chase when they were expected to run off ④ run off when they were expected to chase ⑤touch when they were expected to run off. The results showed that the subjects who didn't understand the rule have the tendency of not completing the role taking. And at the real tag game, as a scene of activating the emotion, children sometimes have the difficulty of role taking, but didn't have the developmental feature. 本研究は, 鬼ごっこにおける役割取得の困難性について検討したものである。幼稚園の3歳児・4歳児・5歳児クラスの子ども達を被験児とし, 1)ルール理解課題 2)身体を用いず情動を活性化させない場面としての「人形での鬼ごっこ課題」 3)身体を用い情動を活性化させる場面としての「身体を用いた鬼ごっこ課題」の3課題を行った。子ども達の行動は①追いかける②逃げるの成功・失敗及び, ③逃げるときに追う④追うときに逃げる⑤逃げるときにタッチするの失敗行動に分類された。結果は, ルール理解ができていない場合, 役割取得が完全にはできない傾向が見られた。また, 情動が活性化される実際の鬼ごっこ場面において, 役割取得が困難になる場合があるものの, そこに発達的特徴は見出せなかった。続きを見る