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Development of the Electric Swinging Crib for Childcare: Infant Calming Responses to Swinging Stimuli

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Abstract 啼泣する児の鎮静反応を科学的に明らかにすることは,児の泣きに悩む親をサポートするために役立つ.本研究では,機械的な揺動刺激が児におよぼす鎮静効果を検証した.被験者は,日齢75日 ~ 179日(平均126.7日,標準偏差49.7日)の健康な児6名とした.実験では,児に単振動運動の揺動刺激を与えた.実験条件は,揺動方向2条件,揺動振幅3条件とし,それぞれの条件で児が心地良く感じる揺動周期を記録した.実...験の結果,児が心地良く感じて鎮静する揺れは,揺動方向に係わらず,揺動振幅60 mmで児に0.70 m/s2の加速度を与える揺れであることがわかった.この揺れは1分間に65.2のリズムであり,児にとって心地良いとされる安静時の母体の心拍リズムに相当する.
A scientific understanding of infant calming responses could help parents who wony about crying infants. In the present study, infants calming responses to mechanical swinging stimuli are assessed with behavioral indices. To achieve the aim of this study, the author selected 6 healthy infants aged 75-179 days (the mean/average - 126.7 days, standard deviation - 49.7 days). In the experiment, the 6 subjects were exposed to a simple harmonic motion (SHM) as stimuli. Experiments conducted under different conditions, including two cases of swinging direction and three cases of swinging amplitude. The author recorded the period of time that infants felt comfortable in each condition. The results of the experiments detected that the swing with 60 mm amplitude and 0.70 m/s2 acceleration made infants feel comfortable and calmed them down independently in swinging direction. The swing rhythm was 65.2 in one minute. This result corresponds with the mother's heart rate rhythm at rest and is comfortable rhythm for infants.
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Created Date 2020.01.14
Modified Date 2020.01.14

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