Abstract |
化芸術基本法に基づき領域横断的な自治体文化政策を推進する際の、行政職員にとっての阻害要因と行政職員に求められることを調査した。福岡県大野城市の行政職員への質的調査とSCAT分析を行い、5つの阻害要因を抽出した。それらについて中川幾郎が提起した自治体文化政策モデルとの関係を検討し、「表現」「学習・蓄積」「交流」という 3つの概念のあいだにある循環関係を指摘した。 This paper examines... the impediments and the requirements for government officers in promoting cross-disciplinary, local-government cultural policies based on the Basic Law on Culture and the Arts. Through a qualitative survey of government officers in Onojo City, Fukuoka Prefecture, and SCAT analysis, five obstacles factors were identified. The relationship between these factors and the municipal cultural policy model proposed by Ikuo Nakagawa was examined, and it was found that there was a cyclical relationship between the three aspects of “performance,” “stock,” and “communication,”which had been previously pointed out.show more