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Abstract |
In this study, the removal performance of NZVI for phosphorus under different five condition such as 1) open (with Polishing Unit (1a) and without one (1b)), 2) full aerobic (air flow=1.2L/min. (2a) a...nd 1L/min. (2b)) and 3) full anaerobic conditions (nitrogen flow=3L/min) were analyzed. The initial phosphorus concentration and feeding rate were maintained each approximately 25 mg P/L and 20 ml/min. In each condition, the reactor phosphorus removal rates for initial 3 hours were 77.6 ± 10.2% (1a), 96.3 ± 1.7% (1b), 95.6 ± 1.4% (2a), 95.5 ± 2.3% (2b) and 96.8 ± 2.0% (3). From these results, there are no big differences between them. However, all of the rates decreased to about 50 to 80% after 12 hours. The effluent total iron concentration from the reactor was also analyzed and the correlation with the effluent phosphorus concentration was calculated. As a result, correlation coefficient was R^2=0.963 (2a), R^2=0.897(2b), R^2=0.885(3) respectively, and it was confirmed that there is positive more