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概要 |
In January 2013, the Fourth European Railway Package (FERP) was adopted by the European Commission. Considering ongoing political debates in EU, this paper aims to understand how, without waiting for ...its enactment, the proposal and preliminary debates for completing FERP can influence the introductions of cheap railroad fares in major european nations during past years. Through reading numbers of casesヲthe paper made some particular features embedded within them explicit: Firstly, they address filling different dimension of gaps -between nation and nation, urban and rural, public capital and private capital, and people and people and so forth. Secondly they realize provision of affordable access to diversity of users mostly by utilizing vacancy in rail operations. Thirdly, they aim to develop optimized provision of affordable access sensitive to user’s lifestyles. Besides, the in-depth reading of German and French cases indicated unique methodologies of, as well as strong demands of people for accessing affordable railroad fares.続きを見る