概要 |
We know first scientific excursion in Japan was begun from Higher Normal School in Tokyo, in the summer of 1887. But no one have known the details of this scientific excursion. Arinori Mori, the first... Minister of Education in Japan, planned about training of teachers in new Meiji Japan. He thought character of good teachers for the Imperial Japan is like a soldier. In order to this policy, Mori arranged all of school life in normal schools to military style. Normal schools adopted military training and military march for long days instead of physical exercises. Hideo Takamine, Principal of Tokyo Normal School in those days, disliked Mori's policy, militalism in education. He would add academic research to military march and call this march "修学旅行scientific excursion" from this time. I found a diary written by a student who particiated in this first scientific excursion in Hirasawas' documents (Mr. Tatsuyo Hirasawa owns). That student is Mr.Kin-nosnke Hirasawa, who became a principal of middle school later. He wrote a diary during this excursion, named "六州游記 Rokushu- Yuuki". This excursion was operated from August 6 to September 4. About one month was spent on this excursion. I will introduce this diary. This diary shows us the details of this excursion. Based on these documents, we can discuss about the culture of schools and teachers in modern Japan.続きを見る