
概要 The purpose of this paper is to make it clear the relationship between mothers' child-care-anxiety and the effect of child-care circle activities. Child-care circle came to be formed everywhere. Today...'s young mothers have worries of everykind for their child-care and have difficulties in bringing up their children without experiences of the child-care. So, mothers began to form child-care circles so that they might talk and do learning about the child-care with their companies. In other words, the aim of child-care circle is to remove and reduce mothers' child-care-anxiety. But there are actually various purposes of mother's joining the circle. There are two types that mother joins it; positive type and negative type. But positive type can be sorted in two further. By one, it is the type which mother makes the circle with her company and talk together and learn again about the child-care. One more is the type which mother participate in so that she may make child's playmates. Negative type is participation for the reason that mothers are free or are asked by other people. Therefore, the type that mother participates in the child-care circle is divided into three. We made these three types the analysis outline, and analyzed the relationship between mothers' child-care-anxiety and the effect of child-care circle activities. And then the contents of mothers' child-care-anxiety were classified here in four: the general emotion concerning child-care, child-care-anxiety about child's growth and development, the anxiety which mother feels in her child-care ability, the anxiety by the discontent and the weakness which is born of the burden of the child-care and the restraint of the child-care. We carried out mailing investigation targeting the mothers who participated in the child care circle in Fukuoka City, and got an answer from 621 people. The collection rate was 51.68%. The investigation period is during December from October, 1999. The various following points became clear as a result of the analysis. (1) In the positive type which mothers participated in child-care circles to make their companies, most of mothers feel life to be fresh. Then, in another type which mother participated in for the child, most of mothers are satisfied that their children could make their playmates. (2) It shows a tendency to ease mothers' child-care-anxiety by participating in child-care circles. But mother's child-care-anxiety may increase by participating in the child-care-circle conversely. It is because mothers compare the way of her child-care with the way of the child-care of the member of the circle by participating in it and they come to lose confidence. And then mothers compares their child and other member child and have the worry of whether their child's growth and development are delayed. (3) As the reason of participating in the child-care circles varies, the degree of mother's child-care-anxiety is different. In other words, the degree of effect of the child-care circle activities varies in the purpose of the participation.続きを見る
目次 1.問題の所在 2.分析の枠組 3.調査の概要(以上, 住田) 4.調査結果の分析 5.まとめ(以上, 溝田)


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登録日 2012.11.19
更新日 2021.03.03
