
概要 By compiling a database of the "Yomiuri-shou" a column for miscellaneous news that appeared in the Yomiuri Newspaper from June 1898, we aim to present new information related to the research of litera...ture, history, the arts, and other cultural activities of the period. The "Yomiuri-shou" was one of the first examples of the media taking the initiative in reporting the notes. news and gossip of authors, artists and intellectuals. The "Yomiuri-shou" was highly regarded by newspaper readers, and led to other newspapers also introducing similar columns for miscellaneous news. Through the "Yomiuri-shou" reports of the lives of authors and intellectuals- where they went, who they met, what they did - the reading public became familiar not only with finished works, but also with the process of creation that brought them about. In addition, the public was also able to gain an insight into the ways in which lecture sessions and research groups were organised, as well as into the personal relationships between authors. The "Yomiuri-shou" contained a particularly wide range of information related to authors-travels. their journalistic, research, lecturing and publishing activities (particularly interesting as much information preceded actual publication, giving readers a commentary on changes of title and form. their sickness and health, their changes of address et cetera. Furthermore. it presented information not only en literary authors. but also on the arts in general. Through the compilation of a "Yomiuri-shou" database, it should be possible to reconstruct the daily changes of the cultural milieu, thus gaining a new perspective on the literature, culture and arts of the period, previously considered only in terms of information given by and about specific individuals. By including a search function. it will be possible to reorganise the information by topic or aim. Specifically, (1) it will be possible to obtain concrete information on works' inception, the personal influences on them, and the publishing processes that brought them into print; (2) it will be possible to utilise this database to conduct interdisciplinary research on literature, cultural history and publishing history; (3) it will be possible to gain information not only on famous authors, but also on those whose activities have remained little known until now; (4) by examining the ways in which the mass media reported on individuals at the time, it will be possible to gain an insight on the processes of personification, deification and commodification of authors and artists; (5) new opportunities for further research will be created by including a search function (for example, entering the keyword "Atami" will bring up a list of results including the authors and intellectuals who visited it, the events that took place there, and the role that Atami played in modern cultural history); (6) new light will be shed on the relationship between the mass media and cultural phenomena; (7) it will be possible to investigate the forces that caused the publication of advertised works to be cancelled, or their titles and contents changed. In addition, by sharing information, it should be possible to expand the database into a system for investigating the realities and fictions surrounding a large number of historical individuals. Such a system would find extensive usage over a range of disciplines in the humanities. The present paper is the first stage in the construction of the database. By recording the "Yomiuri-shou" from 1926, we have highlighted several points that must be kept in mind in the further expansion of the database, and outlined plans for doing so. The data input was conducted by postgraduate students at the Kyushu University School of Social and Cultural Studies, under the direction of Professor Ishikawa Takumi, as part of the "Research Methodology" unit. Together with a thorough clarification of publishing details, we have tried as far as possible to correct mistakes in printing and editing. Please see the explanatory notes section for details. In conclusion, this paper is no more than a prototype in the compilation of a database to organise the enormous amount of information in the "Yomiuri-shou".続きを見る


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登録日 2009.04.22
更新日 2020.12.15
