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概要 |
Methylnaphthalene derived mesophase pitch was spun through Y- and cross- shaped nozzles of different lobe dimensions in temperature range of 280 to 295℃ by fixing the spinning rate to evaluate die-swe...lling phenomena which deformed cross-sectional shape and domain alignment of the carbon fiber. The higher temperature of spinning enhanced the deformation through the lower viscosity. The thinner lobe emphasized the die-swelling through the larger shear rate, which reduces the viscosity, although the nozzles of the present study had the same cross-sectional area Shape factors of the nozzle and fiber describe the extents of cause and results of die-swelling, respectively. Die-swelling is found to change the radial type alignment of the constituent domains to random order. The degrees of preferred orientation along the fiber axis were slightly influenced by die-swelling. The pressure in spinning and the nozzle shape were correlated to the deformation extent of the resultant fiber.続きを見る