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The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of comfortable self-paced running on mood states, and to accurately assess exercise intensity during exercise. Seventeen male students, who volunta...rily participated in this study, were asked to perform treadmill running for 15 minutes at a self-established pace, and thereafter the changes in their mood states following exercise were investigated. In order to examine the mood states before exercise, immediately after exercise and during the recovery period (30 minutes post-exercise) , a Mood Check List (MCL-3) consisting of "Pleasantness , "Relaxation" and "Satisfaction" subscales, developed by Hashimoto, et al. (1992) , was used. Based on the Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE), heart rate, %Vo2 max, blood lactate and plasma catecholamines, the exercise intensity of comfortable self-paced running was determined. Regarding the exercise intensity of comfortable self-paced running, the mean score of the heart rate and the %Vo2 max for 10 minutes during the latter half of the exercise period indicated 155 beats/min and 60%Vo2 max, respectively. The post-exercise blood lactate level increased about twofold, compared to the pre-exercise level, as well as the plasma epinephrine and plasma norepinephrine levels. On the other hand, the RPE during the exercise was 12.6±1.58, which indicated a level that was lower than the "somewhat hard" exertion level of RPE. The "Pleasantness" and "Satisfaction" subscale scores on MCL-3 increased significantly immediately after exercise, and remained at a significantly higher level than measured before exercise during the recovery period. The "Relaxation" subscale score increased significantly immediately after exercise periods compared to that before exercise as well as the "Pleasantness" and "Satisfaction" , and increased even more during the recovery period. From the above data, the mood state was observed to increase positively and then remain for at least 30 minutes after completion of the exercise, it was thus suggested that the stress reduction following exercise was caused by suppressing such negative affects such as anxiety or depression because of the increasing positive affects such as pleasantness, satisfaction, relaxatlon and so on. In addition, it was also found that the exercise intensity of comfortable self paced running was at a moderate level. 快適自己ペース走を遂行した後のポジティブな感情の変化を調べるとともに、走行時の運動強度を調べることを目的として、男子大学生を対象にトレッドミルを用いて15分間のランニングを行った。運動強度は、走行中のRPE、心拍数、%VO2max、さらには運動前後の血中化学的成分から推定し、感情の変化は筆者らが作成したMCL-3尺度を用い、運動前後と同復期に測定した。結果を要約すると次のとおりである。1.自己ペース走行時のスピードは毎分140mで、主観的運動強度(RPE)は「ややきつい」と感じる以下のレベルであった。運動終了時の心拍数は160拍/分に達したが、後半10分問の平均心拍数は155拍であり、走行時の%VO2maxは60%レベルであった。また、血中乳酸値、血漿カテコールアミン値の変動値は運動前に比べ約2倍の増加にすぎず、運動後の血中乳酸値は換気量が急激に高まる第1の変移点(2mmol/l)前後であった。これらの主観的、生理生化学的分析結果から、快適自己ペース走の運動強度は中等度かそれよりやや高いレベルであることが推察された。2.運動に伴なう「快感情」「満足感」などの感情の変化は類似しており、運動後に有意な増加がみられ同復期(30分後)に減少するが、運動前より高いレベルにあった。「リラックス感」は運動直後より回復期においてさらに増加し、ピークが「快感情」や「満足感」より遅く現れ、異なった変化過程をとることが分かった。これらのとから、運動後の気分の高揚感は少なくとも運動終了後30分問は持続していることが指摘された。本研究から、快適自己ペース走は中等度の運動強度に相当し、運動に伴うポジティブな感情の増加は感情の成分によって変化過程は異なり、少なくとも運動後30分間は「気分のよい状態」が続くことが示唆された。また、運動に伴うポジティブな感情の増加が、「反動処理仮説」「気晴らし仮説」「モノアミン仮説」などを用いて説明された。続きを見る