The effect of foloar application of ures on growth and yield in soybean plants grown under continuously flooded conditions was investigated, and the adaptability of cv. Asoaogari and Fukuyutaka ti flooded soil culuture was wxamined. The plants were grown in pots. When primary leaves were fully expanded, one group was grown under flooded conditions to keep the water level at 3 cm above the soil surface, and the other was irrigated as normally required. Half of the flooded plants were sprayed with urea solution (10 g/L) once a week. Although the flooding treatment decreases leaf greenness and plant length, they were slightly recovered by the applicaton of urea in cv. Fukuyutaka. Futhermore, the application of urea improved the yield in each cultivar, as shown by the increased number of harvestable pods and increased seed size. Yielding ability was significantly greater in cv. Asoaogari than in cv. Fukuyutaka at 5% levels under flooded conditions. The results suggest that foliar application of urea positively improves the yield of flooded soybeans. However, the yield was only about 30% of the control level, indicationg that more extensive studies of the method of fertilizer application required for floodef soybeans are needed.