The healthy environment is desirable for the visitors of the forests along torrents and Sabo facilities. Among the healthy factors concerning torrents, the negative ion is the most popular one today. In this point of view, the distribution of the negative ion was scrutinized here. The negative ion concentration was measure in the indoor experiments with falling water, as well as natural torrents with steps and pools. consequently, the following results are obtained. 1) The flat concrete apron of check dams or natural falls generates more negative ions than the apron with water cushion. 2) The negative ion concentration increases as the relative humidity of surroundings becomes higher. 3) The negative ion concentration tends to increase as the torrent discharge increases. 4) The negative ion concentrationis higher around the check dams, natural fountains. Whereas, it sometimes higher in the riparian forest than above the torrent. Eventually, the better structure of apron against falling waters for efficient generation of the negative ions is proposed, and the factors that effect the negative ion concentration was found.