The bunber of the collective groups for agricultural priduction is gradually increase, that is worthy remarkable. In this circumstances, it is necessary to trace agricultural policy towards collective groups. The purpose of this study is to provide agricultural policy toward collective groups for agricultural production that is supposed to support agriculture or farm household. This study devides the agricultural policy towards groups into four stages. The first stage was from 1960' to 1970', when agricultural policy aimed that groups for agricultural production is incubator for making large-scale farm household. From 1970' to early 1990' was the second stage when agricultural policy in addition assumed that the groups was subject to set aside. The third stage was accounted from 1992 to 2001. At that period, agricultural policy helped that groups to become organized farm. Fourth stafe is from 2002, when the groups for agricultural production is targeted by 'management policy'. But the management oplicy would limit to support the groups. If so happens, the groups for agricultural production may not subsist now on forward.