The distribution area of Japanese lawngrass and centipedegrass will widely spread, because of recent global warming, instead of bahiagrass which is cultivated as summertime pasturage in Kyushu District. The objects of this study was to grasp the seasonal dry matter weight of Japanese lawngrass and centipedegrass at three areas in Kyushu District (Fukuoka, Kagashima and Kuju) and to determine the association between dry matter weight and meteorological elements (air temperature, amount of solar radiation and soil moisture content) with multiple regression analysis. The results of this study showed that the effects of amount of solar radiation and soil moisture on production of both grasses was low, but the effect of air temperature was high in Kyushu District. And there was kittle difference between dry matter weight of Japanese lawngrass in highland (Kuju) and in lowland (Fukuoka and Kagoshima). Therefore, it was appear that Japanese lawngrass was available at many areas in Kyushu District. On the othe hand, the production of centipedegrass at Kuju was about 60% lower than at Fukuoka and about 50%lower than at Kagoshima. For that reason, it would appear that the effect of low temperature on production centipedegrass was about 27% higher than that of Japanese lawngrass in Fukuoka and about 5% higher in Kagoshima, so cantipedegrass was more suitable to be cultivated in lowlamd than in highland.