Squamation of two Japanese Halfbeaks, Hyporhamphus sajori and Hyporhamphus intermedius were examined. H. sajori were collected from May to August in coastal area of Buzen sea, and H. intermedius were collected in June and July in etsuarine ares of Chikugo river. A 100 specimen of H. sajori and 96 specimen of H. intermedius were used for observation. The sequence were same on both species. The first scale area was seen on preopercle an finished by voveing the dorsal area of the upper jaw. The smallest specimen with completed squamation was 47.0mm in H.sajori and 50.2mm in H. intermedius in standard length, respectively. Compared with other reports of squamation in Teleost, this is the only report of squamation whose first scale appear on preopercle. So it is suggested that the squamation from preopercle on Hyporhamphus, found in the present study, is a remarkable feature of Hemirhamphidae or Belononiformes.