概要 |
The purpose of this study is to investigate the contributing factor to motor ability of elementary school children. The tests of 30m dash and standing long jump were administrated as dependent variabl...es according to the accepted procedures. The conditioning factors were selected from the following areas : children's domestic atmosphere; experience of disease ; diets, and nutritonal status ; parental attitudes toward the upbringing of their chidren. The variables were obtained by means of questionnair completed by the children's parents. The children were the second grade children of Kusagae elementary school in the center-commercial area of Fukuoka-city. The mean score of each dependent. variable of the respective sexes were computed, and the F-values derived from the analysis of variance formed the basis for finding out. the contributing factors. The results obtained are as follows : 1) The following factors are the more important variables influencing physical performance of children. Boys : physical constitutional tendencies to disease; experience of disease ; quantity of food intake ; tendencies to unbalanced diets. : times of extra snacks ; parental attitude toward child upbringing (encouragement of daily activity, taking nutritional drug) ; degree of daily activity. Girls : birth order; physical consitutional tendencies to disease ; quantity of food intake; attitude concerning of foods of herself, and sisters) ; parental attitudes towards child upbringing (taking nutritional drugs) ; degree of dally activity. 2) The diets nutritional factor and degree of daily activity, among other things, are the most important in both sexes. The former factor shows higher interrelationships among brothers and sisters than between children and parents. 3) Children's health status and history of disease correlate to present status of their motor ability. However, the difference between the weak children who suffer from long term illness and the normal children is not significant. 4) The interaction of their constitutional tendecies to disease and the encouragement of daily activity with a few other factors show significant effect on present status of children's motor ability. The generality of above mentioned results is restricted to present subjects who living at rural district, and dependent variables. The socio-economic status, therefore, should not be rejected. 児童の運動能力に貢献し,あるいは制約すると思われる要因を検索する目的で,運動能力(30m走,立幅とび)の測定値を従属変量とし,家庭環境・親兄弟に関する要因,疾病の既往歴・健康に関する要因,栄養・食事に関する要因,養育態度に関する要因を内容とした質問紙の結果を結合し一元配置分散分析,二元配置分散分析をほどこした。対象とした児童は福岡市内中心部の商業地域にある小学校在籍者である。結果は次のように要約できる。(1)従属変量について中央値,最頻値,平均値,尖度,歪度を求めた結果,正規分布と呼べる分布型に近似するといえるが,尖度には問題がある。(2)フェースシート(家庭,親兄弟)に関する項においては有意な効果を認めることはほとんどの場合できなかった。(3)疾病や健康の領域では胃腸消化器系の疾患がかなり効果をもつことが考えられるが,慢性的な虚弱者とそうでないものの間には,運動能力の差が有意とは認められなかった。(4)栄養・食事摂取においては偏食傾向の有無,食事量などに有意な効果を認めることができた。しかしそのlinearityに関しては若干問題が残る。(5)養育態度に関しては栄養剤の投与,友人の年令,運動,遊びの勧めあるいは子ども自身の運動の活発性などに有意な効果があると推察された。(6)交互作用については体質の強弱とその他二,三の要因間の交互作用,運動のすすめ方,活発性とその他一,二の要因間の交互作用に有意性が認められた。上記の結果は,本研究の対象児童,対象地域,従属変量のうちでのみ一般化され得るものであり,それ故えに家庭環境要因を棄却すべき立場のものではない。従属変量,要因の整理もしくは拡大が今後に不可欠な問題であり,また縦断的なデータの蓄積が必要である。続きを見る