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The purpose of this study was to explore factors which promote and obstruct the process of the disability adjustment in patients undergoing Home Oxygen Therapy (HOT). The study period was from Septemb...er to October, 1999. We interviewed 27 patients who agreed to participate in this study. Each interview required approximately 40 minutes. The participants were asked to express their thought/feelings about the disability it's course and progression. Data taken from the interviews were analyzed with a qualitative description method. As a result, 291 items were extracted from the interviews. The 13 following categories were found to promote the process of disability adjustment:positive attitude towards individuals with disability, absence of worry, passion for life, having a role, discovery of self-worth, a sense of disability self-management, carefulness from oxygen inhalation in public, family support, communication with friends, sharing the pain with other patients suffering from the same disease, having a hobby a definite aim, increasing social activity, and having a longer history of illness (total 136 items). On the other, the following 11 categories (155 items) were found to obstruct the process of disability adjustment. These are prejudice towards disabled individuals, anger, shock, a feeling of loss, depression, fear of disease, being worried about oxygen inhalation in public, lack of family support, decreasing social activity, decreasing of social contact, and lack of stress management. The results of this study suggest the need for psychosocial intervention, namely a sense of symptom management, family support, social awareness/role maintenance, having a positive attitude to life, and self-acceptance. 本研究の目的は,在宅酸素療法施行患者の障害受容の促進要因と阻害要因を明らかにすることである。実施期間は1999年9月~10月。主治医を介して協力を依頼し,同意の得られた患者27名に対して面接を行った。所要時間は平均40分。面接では,障害発生前~障害発生時~障害発生後に至るまでの時間的経過に沿って障害に対する気持ちを自由に語ってもらい,その結果を帰納的に分析する質的記述的研究法を用いた。 分析の結果,障害受容の影響要因について総計291のコードが得られ,障害受容の促進要因としては,【障害者へのプラスイメージ】【くよくよ悩まない】【生への執着心がある】【役割維持】【新たな価値の発見】【症状をコントロールできる感覚】【酸素吸入時に人目を気にしない】【家族サポートがある】【友人との交流がある】【同病者との交流がある】【趣味・生きがいがある】【行動範囲の拡大】【罹患歴が長い】の,13のカテゴリー(計136コード)が見出された。また,障害受容の阻害要因としては【障害者への偏見・同情】【怒り】【ショック】【喪失感】【抑うつ】【疾病脅威】【酸素吸入時,人目を気にする】【家族サポートがない】【外出頻度の減少・行動範囲の狭小化】【人付き合いの減少】【ストレス発散・気分転換不足】の,11のカテゴリー(計155コード)が見出された。本研究の結果から,症状をコントロールできる感覚,家族サポート,社会性・役割維持,プラス思考への転換,ありのままを受け入れること,以上の心理社会的介入の必要性が示唆された。続きを見る