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In 1870, the Meiji government decided to adopt German medicine as the base of the new national health-care system while starting to restrict traditional Sino-Japanese medicine. These policies not only... deeply affected the education and activities of physicians throughout the country but also had a profound impact on the production and distribution of pharmaceuticals and medical instruments. Facing a shrinking market for traditional drugs, acupuncture needles, and surgical instruments, merchants such as Shirai Matsunosuke (Osaka) searched for ways to secure their place in the new medical system. While importing instruments from Western companies, they also employed swordsmiths, gunmakers, glassblowers, and other traditional craftsmen and managed to lay the foundation for independent national production. Initially, orders came only from domestic hospitals and physicians, but soon new markets were developed in China, Korea, India, and Hawaii, among other places. After only a few decades, products that had received medals in national industrial exhibitions were also recognized in universal expositions. Without these flexible and farsighted entrepreneurs and the technical skills accumulated by traditional craftsmen during the Edo period, the quick modernization of medicine in Meiji Japan would not have been possible. 明治3年、新政府がドイツ医学の導入を決議すると、漢方医学から西洋医学への転換が急速に進み、大量の新しい医薬品及び医科器械が医療の現場に次々と現れた。その有望な新市場に最も早く着目したのは、医療界に精通していた薬種商、硝子壜商や鍼術用針製造業者だった。東京のいわしや松本市左衛門や石代十兵衛、大阪の田辺屋正兵英(2代目)、山口庄兵衛と白井松之助、名古屋の八神幸助はこの時期の草分けとなった。欧米各社からの医療器械を輸入しながら、刀剣師、鉄砲鍛冶、硝子職人など日本のものづくり職人の技術力を生かし、国産製品の開発に成功していた。当初、内地全国だった販売先は、次第に「清国、布哇、印度」に広がり、内国勧業博覧会で受賞した製品は、やがて海外の万国博覧会においても高く評価されるようになった。このような先見の明がある起業家と彼らを支える江戸時代の技能を蓄積していた職人ぬきにして明治期医療の近代化を十分に語れない。続きを見る