Okyuto is the unique marine algal product in Fukuoka prepared from red algae, ceramiaceae, mainly campylaephora hypnaeoides or ceramium boydenii. People are fond of the fresh uncooked dish of okyuto as well as that of soybean curd, due to their plain taste, as the traditional, typical and prevailing dish, especially in summer season. For convenience of common daily life, the sensory test and the chemical analysis of soybean curd and okyuto, which had been manufactured and sold in Fukuoka Prefecture were carried out concerning respective 5 brands of them. By the common chemical analysis, the compositions of soybean curd and okyuto were indicated as follows. Soybean curd: moisture 89.3~91.0%; protein 4.6~5.8%; fat 0.5~2.5%; carbohydrate 1.6~2.8%; ash 0.4~0.7%; calorie 35~47 Cal. Okyuto: moisture 95.8~96.9%; protein 0.3~0.5%; fat 0%; carbohydrate 2.6~3.6%; ash 0.2%. In 2 brands of soybean curd, AF-2 was detected, even with lower value than the allowance. On the other hand, on account of the plain taste, distinct evaluation was hardly obtained in the sensory test, since the standard for judgment is not coincident among the panel. In addition, relationship between the evaluation and price in both soybean curd and okyuto was not estimated.