Korean government confirmed the goal for domestic greenhouse gas reduction, 30% of BAU as of 2020, and is planning to introduce the emission trading scheme to achieve the greenhouse gas reduction goal cost effectively. Internationally, various emission trading schemes are being implemented. The forest sector could not participate in regulated emission trading schemes, EU–ETS in particular, due to non–permanence and leakage, however, is contributing to the fulfillment of the greenhouse gas reduction goal in major voluntary emission trading markets through the participation in carbon offset projects. In the voluntary trading scheme, the issue of non–permanence which is the foremost weakness of the forest sink project is resolved in a variety of ways such as reforestation, buffer credit allocation, and forest preservation pledge. The project also covers various areas such as forest management and REDD in addition to afforestation and reforestation. The forest sector shall participate in the carbon offset project to prove the greenhouse gas absorbing function of the forest and contribute to the fulfillment of sustainable forest management when Korea introduces cap and trade emission trading scheme in the future.