This study aimed to examine the better method to apply Dohsa-hou treatment to improve motility of upper limbs for an adult with athetosis cerebral palsy, and how to deal of involuntary movements. The subject of the study ("A") was a man in his 50's with athetosis cerebral palsy who took part in 3-day psychological rehabilitation camp. With the advent of involuntary movement which is a feature of athetosis type cerebral palsy, A had the inconvenience of movement of upper limb which was possible up to now. Therefore, focusing mainly on upper limbs and body trunk, while focusing on relaxation assistance, we focused mainly on action acquisition assistance. It was thought that it was meaningful to tackle the assistance aiming to obtain a stable sitting posture that guarantees the movement of the upper limbs in parallel with the assistance of acquiring the movement of the upper limbs. In addition, it thought that assistance which gives a sense of control to involuntary movements, which is a feature of athetosis type cerebral palsy, is not only a suppression of involuntary tension but also possibility that it may have an effect that promotes psychological change.