Laboratory of Soil Science, Division of Soil Science and Plant Production, Departmerit of Plant Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
General Statistical Office, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery, 1999, 2000
Agricultural population, agricultural land, and production of rice and other crops of the Red River basin, Viet Nam, were analyzed based on the agricultural statistics published by Vietnam Government. The Red River basin cornprises the three agro-economic regions of Red River Delta, North East and North West. Among the eight agro-economic regions in the country, the Red River Delta region was lowest in the agricultural population and lobour per agricultural household. The agricultural land per agricultural household or population was also lowest for the Red River Delta region. The rice production was concentrated to the Red River Delta and Mekong River Delta regions, and more than two thirds of the national gross output of paddy were produced by the two regions, The production of upland crops was relatively high in the North West region, while the production of rice and upland crops was balanced with each other in the North East region.
ヴィエトナムはインドシナ半島東部,南シナ海に面し,総面積33.2万km2,そのうち72%が山地・丘陵地,28%が低地である.低地は,北部の紅河流域と南部のメコン川流域に広がる.熱帯~亜熱帯モンスーン気候で,6月から10月が雨期.農業は国内総生産の1/4,総労働人口の2/3を占める.本文では,紅河流域の農業総合開発を考えるに当たり,ヴィエトナム政府刊行の農業統計資料General Statistical Office, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery, 1999, 2000),を用いて,紅河デルタを含む紅河流域及び対比としてメコン川デルタの農業生産基盤並びに作物生産を解析し,特徴づける.