Kyushu University-Venture Business Laboratory | Laboratory of Bioproduction Engineering, Department of Bioproduction Environment Science, Kyushu University
琉球大学農学部生物生産学科 | 九州大学大学院農学研究院生物資源環境科学府生産環境科学専攻生物生産工学研究室
Laboratory of Bioproduction Engineering, Department of Bioproduction Environment Science, Kyushu University | Facultya of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus
琉球大学農学部生物生産学科 | 九州大学大学院農学研究院生物資源環境科学府生産環境科学専攻生物生産工学研究室
Laboratory of Bioproduction Engineering, Department of Bioproduction Environment Science, Kyushu University | Facultya of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus
Compaction behavior of ground subjected to repeated loading by a traveling wheel was anaiyzed for shallow sand laycr. Displacement of soil particles was measured as the movement of marlters, arranged between the sand layer and the transparent sidewall or soil bin. Soil particles represented elliptical trajectory in the processes with approach and passage of the wheel. The displacement of the soil particles reduced exponentially with the number of repetition of the wheel traveling. The volumetric strain, which was calculated from the displacements, was gradually increased with respect to the repetition number. The magnitude of the volumetric strain at high slippage was grater than that at low one. Likewise, the changes of the shear strain also showed the same tendency as that of the volumetric one. Therefore, it was clarified that the soil compaction due to the wheel traveling is closely related to the shear deformation of ground, i.e. the dilatancy effect.