Laboratory of Applied Plant Science, Division of Applied Plant Science, Department of Plant Resources, Graqduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Science, Kyushu University
Laboratory of Applied Plant Science, Division of Applied Plant Science, Department of Plant Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
Of all the 1981 color names in Japan, 48.7% are related to plants. Of these plantrelated color names, color names derived directly from plant names accounts for 18.2% (comprising 177 species). Those color names, which include another words combined with plant names account for 55.0%. 11.0% of the colors related to plants are derived from the mode of plants most of which are colors of leaf such as young leaf, young grass, pine leaf, willow leaf, young bamboo, etc. High rates of the color names coming from plant species belong to the system of the warm colors such as red, orange and yellow and the system of purple. In the 1970s, many color names originated from English plant names were introduced. Their rate of use in warm colors system is the same as the rate of use of traditional Japanese plant names, thus the introduction of English common plant names into the color names did not alter the over all predominance of warm colors.