Laboratory of Wood Material Technology, Division of Biomaterial Science, Department of Forest and Forest Produce Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
九州大学農学研究科山林学専攻木材工学研究室 | 九州大学大学院農学研究院森林資源科学部門生物材料機能学講座木質資源工学研究室
Laboratory or Wood Technology, Department of Forest Products, Graduate School of Biorosource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyulshu University | Laboratory of Wood Material Technology, Division of Biomaterial Science, Department of Forest and Forest Produce Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
九州大学大学院農学研究院森林資源科学部門生物材料機能学講座木質資源工学研究室 | 元九州大学農学部林産学木材工学研究室
Laboratory or Wood Technology, Department of Forest Products, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University | Laboratory of Wood Material Technology, Division of Biomaterial Science, Department of Forest and Forest Produce Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
Laboratory of Wood Material Technology, Division of Biomaterial Science, Department of Forest and Forest Produce Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
Laboratory of Wood Material Technology, Division of Biomaterial Science, Department of Forest and Forest Produce Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
In this study, a computing program of MOE in bending test for wood and wood-based materials was developed. In this MOE computing program, the inclinations at each point on the load-deflection curve are obtained, and then MOE is calculated with the mode of inclination histogram. And also, the performance and some conditions in the execution of this program were examined and evaluated. As a result, it was confirmed that steady calculated value of MOE can be obtained for the specimens with various MOE by setting properly the range of the data, the data interval and the calculating error of MOE.. In addition, the utility of this MOE computing program was confirmed, because the artificial reading error by the measurer was eliminated and the variation of calculated value was reduced.