Laboratory of Drainage and Water Environment, Division of Regional Envieronment Science, Department of Bioproduction Environmental Science, Kyushu University
Laboratory of Drainage and Water Environment, Division of Regional Envieronment Science, Department of Bioproduction Environmental Science, Kyushu University
Laboratory of Drainage and Water Environment, Division of Regional Envieronment Science, Department of Bioproduction Environmental Science, Kyushu University
九州大学生物資源環境科学府生物機能科学専攻海洋生命科学講座水産生物環境学研究室 | 九州大学大学院農学研究院生産環境科学部門地域環境科学講座水環境学研究室
Laboratory of Fisheres Environmenral Science, Division of Marine Biological Chemistry, Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Biresource and Bioenvironmental Science, Kyushu University | Laboratory of Drainage and Water Environment, Division of Regional Envieronment Science, Department of Bioproduction Environmental Science, Kyushu University
The environmental behavior and fake of tributyltin (TBT) in the northern Arialte Sea, resulting from the use of TBT-containing antifouling paints, was assessed by numerical simulations. First, incorporated with the non-steady state equilibrium, a mathematical model was constructed based on the multiple-compartment modeling consisting of the surface micro-layer, the water, the mud-layer and the boltom compartments. The movement of TBT among the four compartments was modeled in the form of the transport of adsorptive TBT by erosion of bottom mud and settling of suspended sediment, and the transport of dissolved TBT by film penetration and water advection. Onedimensional diffusion equation was introduced into the bottom compartment. Next, the appropriate amount of TBT input for realizing the recent rneasiirements of TBT concentration in the water and the sediments of the northern Ariakc Sea, was optimally searched by a simple genetic algorithm. The relative sensitivities of model parameters were also calculated in order to identify the relatively important parameters for estimating the environmental behavior and fate of TBT. Finally, the future of TBT contamination of tlie Arialte Sea was predicted under the simple scenario for slopping the use of TBT-containing antifouling paints. It was concluded that the multiple-compartment non-steady state equilibrium model worlced well for estimating the environmental behavior and fate of TBT and for predicting the future situation of TBT pollution in spite of its simple model structure.