九州大学生物資源環境科学府農業資源経済学専攻環境生命経済学研究室研究生 | 九州大学大学院農学研究農業資源経済学部門国際農業資源開発経営経済学講座環境生命経済研究室
Laboratory of Environmental Life Economics, Division of International Agricultural Resource Economics and Business Administration, Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University | Laboratory of Environmental Life Economics, Division of International Agricultural Resource Economics and Business Administration, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, KyushuUniversity
上海海洋大学経済管理学院 | 九州大学大学院農学研究農業資源経済学部門国際農業資源開発経営経済学講座環境生命経済研究室
College of Economics & Management Shanghai Ocean University | Laboratory of Environmental Life Economics, Division of International Agricultural Resource Economics and Business Administration, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, KyushuUniversity
Laboratory of Environmental Life Economics, Division of International Agricultural Resource Economics and Business Administration, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, KyushuUniversity
Since 1978 the market economy in China has been introduced. The only guideline of fishery development was published in 1985, and it said that the future of fishery was mainly based on aquaculture. Accordance of economic development, demand of fishery products has increased and especially demand of crab was very high. Lake Thai is the third largest lake in China, and since 1991 crab aquaculture using net fence has started. As the profit of this was very high, so many crab aquacultures were enlarged, and it has polluted the water of Lake Tai. After the abnormal propagation of blanket weed in 2007, the pollution due to crab aquaculture became a big problem. The area of crab aquaculture 13,600ha for 4,018 fishermen has decreased to 3,000ha for 3,000 full-time fishermen in the East Lake Tai only. Some part-time fishermen moved to crab aquaculture in artificial ponds around Lake Tai. This study compares the return of both types of crab aquaculture and discusses the future development considering the food safety of crab aquaculture products.