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九州大学農学部附属演習林福岡演習林第9次森林管理計画書(2015~2024年度)において指定された見本林のうち,陣馬の大杉見本林とヌマスギ見本林について,2015 年度に設定と概要調査を行った。その結果,陣馬の大杉見本林では,高齢のスギが平均直径63cm,平均樹高29m,立木密度194本/ha だった。ヌマスギ見本林は,40年生で平均直径51cm,平均樹高21mだった。 The ninth Kasu...ya Research Forest Management Plan (2015-2024) designated the conservation and monitoring of model forests in Kasuya Research Forest. In 2015, we surveyed the Jimba-no-oosugi (Cryptomeria japonica) model forest and Tacodium distichum model forests. The mean diameter at breast height, tree height and tree density in the Jimba-no-oosugi model forest were 63cm, 29m and 194 trees/ha, respectively. The mean diameter at breast height and tree height in the Tacodium distichum model forest were 51cm and 21m, respectively.続きを見る