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近年、水稲生産におけるコスト・環境負荷・エネルギー消費低減の観点から,し尿や汚泥を原料として製造せれる好気醗酵液肥(液肥)の利用促進の気運が高まっている.そこで本研究では,稲わらの腐熟促進剤および窒素肥料としての液肥の施用効果を2009年と2010年の2年間の運用実験により評価した.腐熟促進剤の施用効果は,稲体の地上部乾物重,全窒素含量(T-N),窒素保有量の面からは確認されなかった.窒素肥料とし...ての効果は,基肥として全層施用する場合は,アンモニア態窒素(NH4-N)の割合が7割程度あれば,化学肥料と同等であり,穂数は同程度確保された.一方,NH4-Nの割合が低い場合は,乾物重,T-N,窒素保有量が小さくなり,籾数の減少を招くことが示唆された.また,NH4-Nの割合が低い場合は,窒素吸収が緩やかになり登熟期の窒素栄養状態が低下した.これにより,2010年の出穂後20日間の平均気温が26.7℃の高温条件において,千粒重が低下したと推測された.以上の収量構成要素の低下により,精玄米重は小さくなる傾向であった.液肥の窒素肥料としての効果は,NH4-Nの割合に依存するため,その成分変動は利用上の問題と考えられる. There is growing concern to promote the use of aerobically fermented liquid fertilizer produced from human waste and sludge to reduce the cost, environmental load, and energy consumption in rice production. We tested the maturity accelerating effects on rice straw and effects as a nitrogen fertilizer by applying liquid fertilizer in 2009 and 2010. The maturity accelerating effects were not significant in terms of dry weight, total nitrogen content (T-N), and nitrogen uptake. When liquid fertilizer, which had an ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) ratio of approximately 70%, was incorporated into the plow layer of the soil as a basal fertilizer, the nitrogen fertilizer effect and panicle number were equivalent to those for chemical fertilizers. However, when liquid fertilizer with a low NH4-N ratio was applied, the dry weight, T-N, and nitrogen uptake were lowered resulting in reduced panicle number. When applied as a top-dressing on the soil surface, nitrogen uptake decreased because of NH4-N loss through volatilization. This decrease in nitrogen uptake may have reduced spikelet number. Nitrogen uptake slowed under the low NH4-N ratio, and nitrogen nutrition conditions deteriorated during the ripening period. This may have lowered 1000-grain weight under the high average temperature conditions in 2010 (26.7°C during the 20-d period after heading). The yield tended to be low because of these reductions in yield components. Nitrogen fertilizer effects were affected by NH4-N ratio, whose fluctuation is considered problematic.続きを見る