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小稿では、福岡市卯内尺4号墳出土人骨4体の親族関係の復元を行った。まず、人骨の出土状況に関する考古学的情報を元に世代構成の仮説を立て、歯冠計測値および頭骨小変異を用いた血縁関係の推定法によりその検証を行った。その結果、4体は同世代のキョウダイもしくは2世代にわたるキョウダイとそのコドモ達と考えられ、5世紀初頭の卯内尺古墳集団は双系のキョウダイ原理に基づく社会であったと結論付けた。 This pape...r reconstructed kinship among four skeletal remains found from a stone coffin of No. 4 tumulus of Unaijaku mounded tombs cluster in Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Previous studies uncovered that prehistoric society was organized by bilateral decent system until the 5th century AD. And during the second half of this century, it transformed into patrilocal system. However, Fukuoka region has yet to be examined in terms of the organization of kin-relation because of the scarcity of skeletal remains. Four individuals, two male and two female, in the coffin were estimated to be inhumed continuously with various intervals of time between their interments according to the varied degree of dis-articulation of each skeletal remain associated with subsequent interments. Preserved states of anatomical order can be used to estimate sequences and intervals of time of inhumations among sample individuals. These estimations were used to hypothesize six patterns of capable constituent generations and kin-relations of the four adults. The hypothesized patterns were verified by estimating kin-relation in terms of osteological approaches of tooth crown measurements and non-metric cranium variations. Results remained two possibilities: 1) the four individuals were siblings in the same generation and 2) they were two pairs of sibling ranged over two kin-related generations. These estimations led to the conclusion that the kinship was organized by bilateral decent during the beginning of the 5th century AD in Fukuoka region as seen in other regions.続きを見る
目次 |
1.はじめに 2.分析方法 3.分析 4.考察