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鹿児島県の白鹿岳に設定されている間伐試験地での20年間(林齢が70年から90年)の調査結果から,スギ高齢林における間伐効果について分析を行った.間伐は相対幹距比を用いて,弱度,中度,強度をそれぞれ,13%,15%および17%として,林齢が70年生時と76年生時に行なわれている.間伐の効果は,直径の成長と総収穫量について中度以上で弱度および無間伐ブロックと有意な差が認められ,相対幹距比で15%以上の...間伐がスギ高齢林で有効であることがわかった. The thinning effects for old Sugi(Cryptomeria japonica) stand were analyzed for 20 years from 70 to 90-years old on the experimental plot in Shiraga-dake, Kagoshima Prefecture. The thinning intensity was decided by the percentage of the mean distance between stems to the mean height of the upper-trees. The four thinning intensities, that is control(unthinned), weak(13%), medium(15%) and heavy(17%), were conducted in the experimental plot. The medium and heavy thinned areas have the larger growth of the diameter and total yield volume than the weak- and unthinned areas. Therefor, the higher ratio than 15% shows the thinning effects for the old sugi stand was concluded.続きを見る