In this study, we conducted a follow-up study of children and adults to an object that has been participating in the activity group psychotherapy. Then, we examined the relationship between social competence and behavior problems of children by parents and mental health status, degree of adaptation skills and social relationships with friends today. As a result, the high group recognition friendship is significantly higher score was shown for the low group recognition in the context of relationships with friends and BDI perceived scale relationships with friends. In addition, the high group recognition friendship has been shown that for low group scored significantly lower in relation to the recognition friendship KISS perceived scale and relationships with friends. Furthermore, a high group recognizes that relationships with friends scored significantly higher for the low group was shown torecognize relationships with friends in the "problem of thinking." They have a positive impression for the friend relationship by the group. However, mental health become low if they have a negative impression regarding relationships with friends afterwards. Therefore, when they feel difficult relationships with friends, there is a need to set up the group to be able to respond.