Laboratory of Forest Resources Management, Division of Forest Environmental Sciences, Department of Agro–environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
This study was to investigate trend of Korean Forestry ODA Allocation (KFOA). To achieve this research objective, firstly, the proportion of forestry ODA allocation by recipient continents was compared between Korea and OECD/DAC (The organization for Economic co–operation and Development’s Development Assistance Committee) through OECD statistic data. Secondly, factors which may affect KFOA were analyzed. Distances, status of bilateral forestry cooperation, amount of forestry product import & export, corruption index, forest area, forest conversion rate, GDP per capital, and income level of each 24 recipient country were selected as possible factors. Bilateral forest cooperation turned out the most determinant factor among the others in this study. Ninety percent of Korean forestry ODA amount from 2006–2011 was allocated to 4 countries with bilateral forestry cooperation which were Mongolia, China, Indonesia, and Philippine. And 98%, 0.4% of Korean forestry ODA was given to Asia and Africa, respectively while OECD/DAC constantly increased forestry ODA for Africa by 26% during 1999–2011. Accordingly, it indicated that Korean forestry ODA was selective in targeting Asia and recipient countries with bilateral forestry cooperation.