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近年,農業機械の効率的利用や安全利用から農家で実施すべき日常点検整備の重要性が再認識されている.本研究では,実状を踏まえて農家自身が行うべき必要な点検整備を予防整備と呼び,その内容と方法を検討する.本報ではその基礎資料を得るために,九州5県の64戸の農家を対象にして,トラクタ点検整備の実態を調査した.調査の結果,農家自ら行う点検整備の実施率は,エンジンと付属装置,動力伝達・走行・制動装置,油圧装置...と作業機装着部についてそれぞれ72%,45%,63%であった.電装と自動制御装置の点検整備については農機技術員に依頼する傾向が見受けられた.また,格納点検については56%が自ら実施していた.農協や農機販売店が実施する整備会を受講している農家は,整備会が開催されていない地区の農家または未受講の農家に比較して点検整備の実施率がかなり高い.したがって,整備会の普及や充実が農家による予防整備の実施に有効と考えられる. Recently, it is reconsidered that daily checkup and maintenance of agricultural machinery is very important for efficient and safe usage of machines. In this study we called the check and maintenance performed by a farmer oneself as the “Precautionary Maintenance” and discussed the contents and method of this maintenance. Materials and data of daily check-up for the “Precautionary Maintenance” of tractor were obtained from 64 farmers in 5 prefectures in Kyushu Island. The survey brought about the percentage of actual practice of the check and maintenance is 72, 45, 63% for engine, power transmission and traveling with braking, and hydraulic device and mounting unit, respectively, however, most of farmers requested a technical expert to check and maintain electric systems and automatic control systems. In addition, 56% of farmer carried out the check before a shed storage by themselves. Many farmers taking a practical training course for tractor maintenance held by agricultural cooperatives or a dealer of a company of agricultural industry performed the maintenance by themselves comparing with farmers not taking the training course. Therefore, it is effective for the “Precautionary Maintenance” by a farmer oneself to spread and complete the training course.続きを見る