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この研究ではいろいろな野外条件の下での樹木の葉温反応が調べられた.葉温は樹種間で差があり,直射日光にさらされると葉気温よりも高くなるが,夜間は葉面からの熱放射のため外気温よりも低くなる場合が多かった.通常,葉の表面温度は裏面よりも高温を示したが,ヤブツバキでは表面が高温の場合があった.日中,気温が上昇状態にある時間帯と下降状態にある時間帯とでは葉温の動きに明らかな違いが認められた.また季節によって...気温に対する葉温の反応が異なっていた.また活性の高い葉は温度反応も高いことが示唆された. Leaf temperature of trees was studied under several conditions. Leaf temperature differs from species to species and is higher than air temperature under direct sunlight during the day but is mostly lower than air temperature for the thermal radiation from leaf surface at night. During the day, obverse temperatures were higher than the reverse but the reverse temperature of Yabutsubaki (Canzellia japonica) frequently showed higher temperatures than the obverse. The response of leaf temperature to air temperature varied between ascending time and the descending of air temperature during the day and also varied seasonally. Further it is suggested that an active leaf has an active response to air temperature.続きを見る