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交互区画皆伐作業法は,1952年から九州大学北海道演習林において適用されている.この森林作業法が適用された作業級は,それ自体で保続システムが稼働するいくつかのサブ作業級によって構成される.一つのサブ作業級は,10haを基準とする結合単位伐区20個から構成され,その基準面積は200haである.このサブ作業級の作業級内における設定個数は,結合単位伐区を構成する小面積単位伐区の面積(5ha)と作業級の標...準年伐面積によって決まる.この森林作業法を諸条件の異なる他の森林へ応用する場合の要点は,次のとおりである.①結合単位伐区内部の林齢較差の倍数が作業級の改良期と一致する.②作業級の改良期の倍数が輪伐期と一致する.③結合単位伐区内部の林齢較差の年数とサブ作業級内部での結合単位伐区の設定数とは同数になる Clear-cutting in alternate blocks system has been studied in the Kyushu University Forest in Hokkaido since 1952. An applied working group of this forest working system is composed of several subdivisions termed "sub - working groups" in which a sustainable production system operates. Each sub-working group is composed of 20 combined blocks each consisting of 2 unit blocks. Each unit block is 5 ha in standard size, each combined block being 10 ha in size. The main points in applying this forest working system to other forests under various conditions are as follows: 1) Twice stand-age difference in each combined block coincides with the regulation period in a given working group. 2) Twice regulation period coincides with rotation age. 3) Standage - difference in each combined block coincides with the number of combined blocks established in each sub-working group.続きを見る