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土壌呼吸を測定するために,チャンバー型の開放・通気式測定装置を試作した.本装置は呼吸チャンバー,CO_2濃度分析装置,CO_2濃度制御装置,エアータンク,エアーポンプ,フローメーターおよび発電機から成り,携帯可能で電源のない屋外でも測定可能である.この装置を用いて土壌呼吸に及ぼすチャンバー内風速とCO_2濃度の影響を調べた結果,両因子とも土壌呼吸に影響し,風速があると土壌呼吸は高くなり,また,CO..._2濃度が低いと高くなった.このことから,チャンバー法による土壌呼吸の測定では,測定時の風速とCO_2濃度を明記する必要性が指摘された.そこで,風速を一定,CO_2濃度を可変として土壌呼吸の日変化を測定した.その結果,土壌呼吸の日変化は夜間に低く,日中に高い値が得られ,さらに地温とCO_2濃度を変数とする関数で近似された.実測されたCO_2濃度と地表面温度のデータから日土壌呼吸を算出すると22.1g CO_2m{-2}day^{-1}となった. A open-flow system capable of regulating wind speed and CO_2 concentration was developed to measure soil respiration. The system consists of infrared gas analyzer (SBP-3 : SHIMAZU), air tank, CO_2 concentration regulator, air pump, flow meter and generator. The system is portable and could be used to measure soil respiration in the field. The effect of wind speed and CO_2 concentration on the measurement of soil respiration was investigated. Both of these parameters were found to be important factors in determining the soil respiration. The diurnal change in soil respiration in a thinned sugi stand was also studied. Soil respiration rate was high during daytime and low at night. However the deviation was only within 20% of the maximum value. The diurnal change of soil respiration was fitted well the multiple regression curve using soil surface temperature and C0_2 concentration as independent variables. Using the dsata of soil surface temperature and CO_2 concentration of air collected at the thinned stand, daily respiration rate of the stand was calculated as 22.1 g CO_2 m^{-2}day{-1}.続きを見る