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本論文では,アカエゾマツを植栽する上での適地を明らかにするため,地形,特に斜面方位,斜面傾斜角に対する反応性についての解析を行っている.調査地は九州大学北海道演習林内の10,11年生アカエゾマツ人工林で,尾根一谷で区分される斜面毎に,残存率,樹木サイズについての調査を行っている.傾斜角13度以上の斜面において,斜面方位は生存率に影響し,北北西~東南東斜面で高く,南南西~西斜面で低い傾向がみられた....斜面方位と生存率の関係を余弦関数に近似したところ,有意な相関が得られている.斜面方位と樹木サイズの間に一定の関係は認められなかったが,斜面傾斜角は樹木サイズに影響し,傾斜角が増加するほど地際直径と樹高は減少する傾向が認められた.傾斜角5度以下の比較的湿潤な場所では,他の区に比べ生存率が高く成長も良好であった.アカエゾマツの残存率や成長は,生育期間の乾湿条件の影響を強く受けるものと考えられた. In this paper, adaptability of Sakhalin Spruce (Picea glehnii Masters) to the environment was analyzed, in order to identify criterion for suitable planting sites. The stand studied was an 11 year -old artificial forest in the Hokkaido Forest of Kyushu University. Survival ratio and tree size (stem diameter, tree height and crown projection area) were estimated for all live trees on 19 slopes divided by aspect. On slopes above 13 degrees, survival ratio was affected by slope aspect. This ratio was greater on slopes with NNW to ESE aspects than slopes with SSW to W aspects. The relationship between slope aspect and survival ratio could be expressed by the cosine function: y=a+b *cos θ. On the other hand, tree size was not affected by slope aspect, but there was a tendency for diameter at stump height and tree height to decrease as slope degree increased. On humid slopes under 5 degrees, survival ratio was greater and tree size larger than on slopes above 13 degrees. Survival and growth of Sakhalin Spruce was influenced by water conditions during the growth period, because there was a close relation between water conditions and slope aspect and degree.続きを見る