概要 |
The influence of broad-leaved trees on the growth of two conifers, Momi and Tsuga trees was explained by the changes of individual ranking, including that of broad-leaved trees, from an early stage in... the development of the community. 1) Judging from the age structure, it was considered that Momi and Tsuga trees, and broadleaved trees on the surveyed plots had developed in gaps or openings in the forest. 2) Momi and Tsuga individuals established earlier in gaps or openings in the forest were superior to broad-leaved trees in competition from an early time in the development of the community and became stable in a superior position. 3) On the other hand, most of the Momi and Tsuga trees established later stagnate in a subordinate position as a result of oppression from the upper trees. This phenomenon indicated that the occurrence period, i, e., the time of establishment, affected the growth of individuals. 4) Momi and Tsuga individuals were ranked in three classes-superior, medium and subordinate in a Momi and Tsuga forest, but when broad-leaved trees outnumbered Momi and Tsuga trees, those of the latter in the medium class were few. 5) Broad-leaved trees co-existing with Momi and Tsuga trees were composed of a large number of middle-sized and small trees, and a small number of large trees. It was considered that the paucity of large broad-leaved trees also promoted the superiority of Momi and Tsuga trees in a natural forest. 本論文では共存する広葉樹を含む全個体の順位変動によって,モミ・ツガの生長におよぽす広葉樹の影響を群落形成の初期の段階から検討した.1)年齢構成から判断して,調査したモミ・ツガ林は林内のギャップに発達したと考えられた.2)早く発生したモミ・ツガは,広葉樹にたいして比較的早い時期に優位に立ち,上位に安定している.3)一方遅く発生したモミ・ツガの大部分は被圧によって下位に停滞している.このことは発生の時期がその後の生長を左右していることを示唆している.4)モミ・ツガ林では,モミ・ツガ個体は上,中,下の3つのクラスに順位分けられるが,広築樹が多い場合には,中位木は少なく,上位と下位の2クラスに分離する傾向がみられた.5)広葉樹の樹種構成をみると高木性のものが少なく,中・低木性のものが大部分であり,この高木性の広葉樹の少ないことも,モミ・ツガの優位を容易にさせた要因の1つであると考えられた.続きを見る