The family and Christian ethics

概要 "Offers an innovative theological look at what family might mean that cuts deeper than current, mostly polarised debates. The book taps literary, artistic and biblical sources and brings them into con...versation with family studies from humanities and social science to understand why family is currently a controversial topic"--続きを見る
目次 The difficult question of what family is about
Family as mystery ; 'What is family about?' as a basic, open and neutral moral question
A focus in exploring what family might mean: givenness and dependence
The current state of the family
Family as a moral problem
Gabriel Marcel: Approaching family as mystery
A mystery approach as a theological contribution to family research
The mystery approach of this book
The Family Tie as Mystery ; Family ties in Sophocles' Antigone
Judith Butler's trouble reading Antigone in view of family
The ethical complexity of Hegel's view of family
The critical potential of Hegel's attention for the unreflective morality of family
Conclusion: The unnameable family tie and the divine law
Family and givenness as mystery
Rembrandt: What may the image of an ordinary family scene evoke?
Contemporary views of givenness as the natural: Brenda Almond and Don Browning
Understanding kinship as made instead of given in recent anthropology
Conclusion: Family as a 'strong image' and taking givenness actively
Family and dependence as mystery ; Hosea's lived image of an adulterous family
Acknowledging dependence and a suspicion against family in current (care) ethics
Constructive approaches to family as revealing fundamental dependence: Friedrich Schleiermacher and Jean Lacroix
Conclusion: A mystery approach to overcome the impasses of dependence
Epilogue: Morality of appeal and answer - Ethics and the sacred character of the family as mystery.
本文を見る Cambridge Books Online Open Access: 2023


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登録日 2024.01.31
更新日 2024.01.31