Transitional changes of soil physical and chemical properties after implementing the plant recovering trials against desertification were studied at Naimanchi province in the Horqin desert, northeast district in China. The soil were sampled at typical points of each land use within the area about 20 km times 30 km square. Land uses conditions were classified into sand dune desert, grassland, bush, forest, upland crop filed and rice filed. In the grassland and bush area, native plants and imported plants seeded by air were growing. Especially, two kinds of Artemisa Halodendron and Setaria viridis which is common to this sandy area. Air dried water content, organic contents, cation exchange capacity (CEC), pH, electric conductivity (EC), soil composition particle diameter, specific gravity and moisture characteristic curve (pF) were observed. When arranging the air dried water content, organic content and cation exchange capacity in high order, it became paddy field>upland field>forest>grassland> shrub>sand dune desert. The pH of all soil samples were between 8.04~10.29 and presented alkaline soil. Maximum electric conductivity (EC) with 0.59 mS/cm was observed at upland crop field. This phenomenon indicates that irrigation management and chemical fertilizer should be done appropriately to avoid the salt accumulation. As for the specific weight of the soils ranged from 2.55~2.68 g/cm_3 and a great difference weren't found in each other. In upland and rice field, the percentages of the composition of clay and silt were about 7% and 50%, respectively. The remainders were coarse and fine sands. In the forest, silt and fine sand consist of 70 %, and in the sand dune, grassland and bush area, about 60% was occupied by coarse sand and the remainder was fine sand. The moisture characteristic curve of soils shows that effective soil moisture within the surface 30 cm layer in sand dune, bush and forest were 3%, 8% and 17%, respectively. Soil characteristics for retaining water have been improved as the plant density increase.